Your Zakat helps:
- To distribute the food supplies kit to poor, needy and vulnerable families during the holy month of Ramadan for their sahar and iftar.
- To distribute food supplies kit to village jamats for community iftar.
- To distribute cooked meal with fruit juices to poor people for iftar in the urban areas.
- To distribute eid gifts to poor and orphan children.
- To distribute school bag with educational supplies to poor and orphan children.
- To distribute tailoring machines to poor widows/women.
- To distribute tri-cycles and walking sticks to person with disabilities/PWDs.
- To provide ambulance services to the village jamats to transport the patients and ill people for treatment.
- To provide van services to the rural poor students to schools, (for pick-up & drop).
98% of your zakat payments will directly goes to our verified partner charities for the above said
charity projects under the supervision of our Ramadan appeal team.
Ramadan appeal team wishes to perform this act with full sincerity and professionalism on
your behalf as well as to ask Allah (SWT) to accept this.